This Year, Ruin Thanksgiving

For most people, the holiday season is a time to get together with your loved ones, eat great food, and be merry as you create new memories for the future. You may see the family who you haven’t seen since last year, and can’t wait to smoosh them up in a huge hug, but you might also see that one relative that you dread seeing because they always give you a hard time about your life choices or maybe they have opinions that fundamentally go against what you believe in. Whatever the case may be, it’s a once-in-awhile type of get together so you bite your tongue, turn a blind eye, and keep the peace.

Maybe it’s time to ruin Thanksgiving.

“Can We Talk?”

I have had more difficult conversations this week than I have had in a long time. Some have turned out better than expected while others really cut me to the core and drained me of my energy. Though some were initiated by my, not all of them were my choice. A few of the difficult conversations from this week were in my professional life, a few were in my personal life, and a few were internal ones that I was having with myself. Here are a few things that I’ve learned to help me have better difficult conversations: